I've been away from my blog as this seems to happen often. Being 37 weeks pregnant and taking care of a 2 year old is a lot of work for me! Besides that, our family has moved up to the San Francisco bay area where Karl is transferring schools to finish his chiropractic degree. We've been temporally staying in Fresno, CA with my mother while in the process of the transfer. We are all settled in now and looking forward to the new adventures this time in our life will bring. It's been a testing of our patience while waiting for Karl to be accepted into the chiropractic program, but I am glad that Karl and I kept our faith and trust in God through it all. Karl is working super hard to finish his degree and I am praying that we do not stumble upon anymore road blocks along the way. We will welcome our new baby boy into the world very soon and I am getting quite anxious to meet him! Since I am already under wonderful care with my midwife in Fresno, I will be staying with my mother and have the baby in Fresno. Karl will begin classes the beginning of January, so he will be a few hours away in San Francisco and will rush back down to Fresno as soon as I know I am in labor. So, lets be praying that Karl will make it here in time to be with me through it all. I'm just worried that I will go into labor during rush hour
traffic and it will take him double the time to arrive here.
I hope that everyone has had a very Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our savor, Jesus!

Pictures taken at 35 weeks pregnant
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