*My Mango Chicken
*Little People toys and his farm set
*Going on walks in the neighborhood
*Pushing the power button on the t.v. and he knows it's off limits, but does it anyway.
*Laughing at Spencer and Sammy
*Making motor boat sounds
*Patty Cake
*Claapy hands as Karl calls it
*Sign language (he only knows how to say, "more")
*Mickey Mouse and his toy from Grandma Brenda
*Playing peek-a-boo
*Closing and opening doors
*Getting into EVERYTHING!
*Playing at the park
Just a random picture of Everett on Thanksgiving at Danny and Jayne's home in NC. Everett is 12 months
Not So Favorites
*Riding in the car
*Most veggies
*Smiling at the camera
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