I am long overdue for posting a new blog. Life has been crazy busy the past few weeks with Karl studying for finals to my mom's visit to Atlanta for spring break. Life is starting to be a little normal again. Karl, Everett and myself had the privilege of having my mother come out to Atlanta for her spring break at the last minute. My mother-in-law was planning on visiting us, but could not make it out. Although we were sad that she could not visit, we were happy to have my mom come out too. It's been since January that we last saw my mom when we were in Fresno for Christmas break. So it was great to have her here to share Karl's break with and to actually have family here for Easter. We got to go on a few walks while the weather was decent and not too hot. (One time it was probably 40 degrees during our walk. Karl said to grab a sweater, but I should have grabbed a jacket!) Then it eventually warmed up into the mid to high 70's. Seems like we jumped from winter to summer right away. We also did some shopping, barbecued, went to the Georgia Aquarium, went to dinner several times and out to lunch, went to church, played with Everett outside, visited Piedmont Park to take pictures, went to the Marietta Square, had an Easter egg hunt, played peek a boo tons of times, Mimi played with Everett and made him crack up, Mimi babysat Everett while Karl and I went on a date! That date was long overdue! We took a picnic to a park and enjoyed the sun then saw a movie, Dear John at the dollar theater. It felt so great to have some time alone with my husband! Great overall visit with my mom, but sad to see her leave. Thanks mom for all you did for us and for the time you spent with us! Everett sure warmed up to you very fast again.

A lot of pictures above, but this is what happens when I don't stay ontop of my posts! :)