Just one word! Phenomenal! What an amazing weekend! What an amazing husband! What an adorable baby boy!
My first mothers day weekend began by going out to one of my favorite Italian restaurants, Scalini's. It was on my mind form Dana's suggestion, but Karl's idea to take me there. We got there around 5pm to beat the crowds. To start off the night, I enjoyed a long island ice tea. Karl had a Bass beer. Everett had milk! Over dinner we enjoyed nice conversation, yummy Italian food and fun playing with Everett and taking pictures.
Sunday morning, my very thoughtful husband let me sleep in (he also let me sleep in on Saturday morning too!) while he woke up early with Everett. I woke up with a warm greeting form Karl as he walked in the room with breakfast in bed. I was startled as I was in deep sleep, dreaming about Karl. He made me plaid pancakes, also known as blueberry waffles! Complements to Jim Gaffigan! Also made me fresh brewed coffee with my favorite creme burlee creamer, fresh chocolate covered strawberries, Riesling wine (although not for breakfast), and my favorite flower, a pink orchid!
I could not have asked for a better weekend and might I add that Karl did all of these things for me in between studying for mid terms this weekend. I truly feel very loved, appreciated, and honored. I would not be celebrating this mothers day without our baby Everett! I am very blessed beyond! Everett has brought so much joy and happiness into my life. I thank God every day for him!
Thank you to everyone for the beautiful cards in the mail, phone calls, text messages, posts on facebook, and emails.
"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord." Psalms 113: 9
Post by Lisa