Friday, January 15, 2010

Everett's 1st Birthday Party (1 month belated)!!

Everett is such a joy! He is the love of my life and what keeps me occupied all day long, sometimes all night long. Karl can testify as well! BUT I am so amazed at how he has developed. He started out inside my womb, smaller than a little seed and has flourished into a young little man! God is so GOOD! Karl and I are blessed beyond. I can not say that enough! His first year of life has flown by so fast! So we were happy to celebrate his life with some of our friends and family on our trip back home to California during Karl's Christmas break from school! Besides me being sick almost the entire time and Karl's ear infection, we had a wonderful time! Thank God that Everett did not pick up my nasty head cold or Karl's ear infection! His immune system is getting strong! My mother-in-law was able to come up to Fresno for Everett's party and stay a few more days to spend time with us. It was great having her company! Uncle Joe also came from L.A. to the party!

I decided to take on a new hobby. Cake decorating. I love to be crafty and try new things and I sure put a lot of stress on myself by attempting to decorate a giraffe cake for Everett. It was an all day project between baking the cake, having it break when I took it out of the Pyrex dish, trying to make brown frosting that turned nasty poopish green (not even close to brown what so ever). That was a nightmare! So I sent Karl on a gel food coloring run. Bless his heart! In the end, it all turned out just fine. Thanks to my sis-in-law who let me borrow all of her cake decorating tools. Now I must get my own!

We had a great time at Everett's party and hopefully he enjoyed it too! Although it was more for the adults! He loved opening gifts and had a great time doing paper tasting. Yum! Everything goes in the mouth!

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